
Healthy and Happy 2012

Changing your unhealthy daily habit is a chore. Specially when you’re too busy with work and no time to work out. I’ve been in that position too you know. 4 years working a 9 to 6 job in a magazine, a never ending deadline and working late, so that thing never crossed my mind. For the last one year I started my health regime, eating fresh food, drinking more water, start running and do pilates.
So rather than making resolutions this year, I decided to focus to make myself healthier and happier in 2012. I wanted to share my goals with you all so that you can watch me work toward them this year and keep me on track.

1. Complete another half marathon in under two hours! My first 21k last December, I finished in 3’30’’

2. To do classes at the gym, and put it on my weekly program. I’m thinking of body combat or body pump.

3. Less eating out. I think I spent my money too generous when I’m at the restaurant, so I need to make my own lunch, dinner and healthy nibbles. Less calories, more money saving!

4. Closer to my Creator.

5. Run 40k everyweek.

6. Spend my Sunday with family, my dogs and books.

There it goes.. my healthy and happy 2012 goals! And I would really love to know your healthy goals this year, please do share and maybe sometimes we can work out together and exchange tips. Remember, healthy life start with a commitment.  Have a great 2012 everyone!


  1. 7. kapan nikahnya mbak? :)

  2. sepertinya sebentar lagi kemaren ga sengaja liat udah fitting baju di anne avantie ;)
    btw nice blog nih agni saran2 nya oke banget gw mau tiru ijin copas ya
